tasc Peformance - Develop

Meet Nyesha & Samantha Davis-Williams

What does humankind mean to you?

Being human is a gift that was given to us, and that’s one main ingredient we all have in common. Man and woman should be treated equally so humankind over mankind is better accepted.  


What’s the best advice that you could give to someone who wants to be an ally?

Always listen, support, and don’t be afraid to ask questions as assumptions can damage the emotional reassurance.


Can you tell us a time when you might have been discriminated against? Or felt unimportant? Or a time when you had self-doubt? How did you overcome that type of adversity? 

It’s difficult one specific time I’ve faced adversity. There are so many systems in our society that can evoke this feeling; it’s difficult to pinpoint one. We’re both black, queer, and we’re women. We have gotten people that express their nonacceptance of our lives and we then began to realize that usually when someone treats others negatively over something they can’t control, it’s a personal problem that person hasn’t accepted.

What’s your greatest wish for the world?

To literally see life in someone else’s shoes. No justification, no judgment and learn from their experience.


This month is pride month. Through recent events this word extends beyond the LGBTQ+ community. What is pride to you?

Pride is being my true Black Queer self as a woman. No one can take away these two titles from me and I accept who I am, and while I would like everyone to acknowledge me and my existence, I know there will be some who won’t. I’ve accepted that and have accepted that once I show up for myself, that’s all that matters. 


If there were one word that you could use to solve the world’s problems, what would it be and why?

Listen. This is because people do not listen to others. When one is sharing their thoughts, the other person is thinking of their response. Listening would solve a lot of issues. 

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